Thursday, November 18, 2010

Benefits of Using Waterless Grass for the Environment

Waterless grasses are nothing but artificial grass made from plastic which is considered to be very eco friendly, requires less maintenance and watering. The best part it that there is no need to supply any kind of manures or fertilizers which is a tiresome job and it is a very harmful for the environment when it rains, as the run off carries the fertilizes and other harmful substances present in it and they flow into near by water bodies like rivers, lakes, ponds and water tables and it slowly beings to pollute them. In this article you will see more information about artificial grasses or waterless grasses and their numerous benefits.

Installing artificial grass will tremendously reduce air pollution, you might wonder how? Yes, it is very true, when using waterless grass you need not use a lawn mover to cut or trim them. Do you know that using a lawn mover for just one hour with petrol is almost equivalent to hundred mile car drive? This fact was given by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Here is interesting information that was discovered by the researchers in Sweden. When you look at both Environmental Protection Agency which is in the United States as well as the European Union (EU) who are seeking to reduce air pollution from all non-road engines such as lawn mover; many people think that they need to fit a catalytic converter for their lawn movers to reduce pollution, but this is not true; the best and the excellent alternative is nothing but to install artificial or waterless grass which will reduce pollution at the same time reduce our daily work for maintenance.
This also another frequently asked question, the smell from the cut grass can actually be harmful for our environment?

Based on the studies made by the Academics in Australia, they have found that when lawn grass is cut, they release some kind of hydrocarbons into the surrounding and also into the atmosphere which will make even a bad smog day worst! It is high time people actually begin to check the pollution levels before touching a lawn mover. Perhaps a lawn mover could be one of the top environmental polluters! Whenever you use an artificial grass, none of the above concerns arises. Your entire home or surroundings becomes very environmental friendly. Installing artificial grass is also very easy and it is not tiresome at all, it can be easily installed on any hard surface.

Brayan Peter is a seo copywriter for artificial grass. Eco Alliance Synthetic Grass specializes in the distribution and installation of synthetic grass for commercial and residential applications. Contact her through mail at

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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Top 6 Jobs For 14-15 Year Olds

When you are 14, you may need more pocket money to buy what you like. But ,how can you earn money? so, you must get a job, not only for money, but also for experience. According to Child Labor, it's not so easy to find a job for age under 16. How to find Jobs for 14 Year Olds? if you'd like, I'll tell you the jobs you can get and how to earn money .

Teen Writer

If you are talented in writing, you could be a teen writer. And, you can get paid from magazines or websites. If you are not good at writing, you can practice writing. Write whatever you feel like writing, whether it be teen fiction or anything else. It really doesn't matter what you write, as long as you're writing.

How to start? You can try to start out writing for your school paper (articles, opinions or short stories). You could also try submitting to local writers' club anthologies & teen magazines often have a reader submissions section for poems, short stories, etc. These won't be paying jobs, but they might get you noticed. Also, if you are good at basic copywriting & layout, you can get people to pay you to prep their resumes. You'd be surprised how many people can't manage that on their own.


How can you get a babysitting job? it is not difficult to get one , just give it some time. Make flyers and put them around your church or community. If you have any daycares around your neighborhood you might want to advertise there. is a great place where you register and parents looking for babysitters look at your profile and can contact you.

In order to be successful in the babysitting business you need to know the following tips, hints, and tricks.When you're ready to go in the babysitting business, don't be afraid to ask questions about the child you will be caring for; always be prepared. Walk through the house and do a safety check. Close the doors to rooms you don't want the children in. Look for hazards such as matches, hanging electrical cords, medications or other things children can get hurt with or get into trouble with. The most important thing is that keep an eye on the kids, and don't get distracted.

Camp Counselor

For getting a job as a camp counselor, you can try your local YMCA.They may still have openings for summer counselors or assistants. Otherwise, go to your neighborhood boys and girls club. It helps to have those certifications and some do require CPR.

Although the minimum age requirement for many camp counselor jobs is 16,but if you do not meet the minimum age requirement to become a summer camp counselor, you might have the opportunity to apply for the counselor-in-training program or junior counselor positions.

As a C.I.T. (Counselor in training), you would be working but not get paid. Or even, you have to pay for your work(not all camps). It seems very unfair, the camp charges you to work there! However,it's a great way to spend the summer instead of sitting home all day, and you will be paid when you are old enough.

Be a Tutor

If you have a good understanding of one subject, you can find a job as a tutor.Try go to your local youth center. Many youth centers pay tutors for math, English, History and Science in their after-school programs.

If you'd like,ask your counselor at school if they pay tutors for after-school programs at your school.

Also, you can advertise on your own and once you get a following the word of mouth referrals will start coming in quickly. You should advertise your offer in places where parents will see the advertisement. The parents are your clients.

Grocery Bagger

More and more supermarkets and grocery have opened up in the past decade. So, they often need many part-time or full time baggers. If you'd like, you can get extra money as a bagger.

Apply to the store or stores you are interested in working at.You can call them, and ask if they need a bagger.Of course,you can also go to store to ask one by one in person.Usually, you will find a job soon.


Find a lifeguard class in your area. Most lifeguard training classes are often offered through the YMCA. If you can't find one, call your local red cross and ask them. If you can't find your local red cross, call a local pool and ask how they go about hiring lifeguards. They may have a private program. If you have a particular place you want to lifeguard, call them first to see if they have any special requirements.

Wei King is a web administrator of Jobs for 14/15 Year Olds, If you are 14/15 years old, and you want to find a job, watch my articles, these articles will help you.

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