Thursday, October 21, 2010

The Engagement's Off and I Need to Sell The Engagement Ring!

Need to sell the engagement ring? You're not alone. Unfortunately, I've encountered numerous couples who've called the engagement off and need to sell the engagement ring in a jiffy. I've had at least four friends who have been in this situation. I am definitely a romantic but if it's not meant to be, better to know now before making a life altering commitment and realizing your mistake ten years down the road.

Nonetheless, my regrets to you if you are in this particular predicament. So what are your options if you need to sell the engagement ring?

Here's some more bad news (and don't kill the messenger please) Unless you are in the diamond business, diamonds are not an investment, particularly at the engagement-ring level....despite all the hooplah that you might hear from diamond retailers that diamonds appreciate over time, etc. Retail prices reflect a mark-up of 100 percent or more on engagement rings and white diamonds have tended to depreciate over time as they incur chips and go out of style. In other words, when you go to resell the bling, don't expect to get anything near to what you paid for it.

Well the first place most people go when they want to get cash in a hurry is the local pawn shop. You are likely to get the least amount of money via this route. The folks at the pawn shop know that you are coming to them because you are desperate to unload this bitter reminder of a once beautiful love story...and they know you want the cash and you want it right away.

A better place to try might be a jewelry store that specializes in selling estate jewelry. Shop your engagement ring around as you might get different estimates from these stores that could bring in hundreds if not thousands of additional dollars, depending on how nice the ring is to begin with.

There's always the local paper. This can be hit or miss. The odds are not in your favor as probably only about 10%-20% of those listing in the paper unload their goods. Nonetheless, you may be able to get more of your money back this way, versus selling to a pawn or jewelry shop. If you do decide to go this route, make sure to meet the prospective buyer in a well-lit public place. The last thing you need to have happen is to get've got enough stress in your life with a broken engagement. Also, do not accept checks of any kind. Play it safe and request the money in cold hard cash, if the prospective buyer is interested in making a purchase.

Last but not least there is ebay. It's not easy to sell an engagement ring on ebay but it is possible.

If you're not getting anywhere near the price you would like, you may just want to consider holding onto it. After all, you could turn it into a beautiful pendant, bring it out on rainy days to look at, or save it for the next special person that comes along...

The author just celebrated her one year anniversary and sports a beautiful ascher cut ring. She and her husband put together the website: to help you find the perfect ring.

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Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Jobs For 16 Year Olds - Who's Hiring Right Now?

Turning sixteen opens up a whole new world of possibilities when it comes to job hunting, most of the bigger companies will now accept you for employment and things are looking a whole lot better but at the end of the day, what will you end up getting paid. Most available jobs for 16 year olds these days involve long hours, weekend work, poor working conditions and very low pay. That's not to mention traveling back and forth to work, a grumpy boss or an angry member of the public if choose to flip burgers or clear tables.

Well it's time to discover a new way of getting hired, a way that takes just ten minutes from application to making money and the best part is all you are going to need is an opinion, not a resume. You will get paid a minimum of twenty to one hundred and fifty dollars per hour plus you will never have to travel to work ever again. Are the words "Dream Job" starting to spring to mind yet?

Introducing Paid Online Form Completion Surveys, these are the new #1 choice when it comes to jobs for 16 year olds everywhere. Simply put, any teen can register and start filling out online surveys in as little as ten minutes. Surveys on things like what kind of chocolate you eat or what you thought of certain movies if you saw them. There are a lot of these surveys companies around these days and a lot of them are scams where you earn little to no money for your efforts, I struck a number of these myself when I started 7 years ago. But all in all it's a fantastic safe way for all teens to earn at least $20 per hour from home without any hassles, travel or low pay.

So if you are looking for jobs for 16 year olds don't go past paid online form completion surveys, it is the easiest and fastest way to start making money on the internet today. It even allows you more time to study for a career that you really do want without having to slog it out in some dead end job in between.

For a free list of the 4 top companies I use and further information on employment for 16 year olds taking surveys just visit

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Friday, October 15, 2010

Visit Dallas, Texas

Dallas is the 3rd most populous city in Texas, and the 2nd largest in the United States of America over all. As of 2005, its population was estimated as 1,213,825. The city of Dallas lies at the center of the Dallas-Fort Worth-Arlington metropolitan area, which is the 4th most populous metropolitan area in the United States, the largest inland metropolitan area in the country (Dallas lacks any navigable link to the sea), and home to about 6 million people.

Some of the attractions in Dallas include:

- Dallas Aquarium at Fair Park

- Dallas Museum of Art

- Dallas World Aquarium

- Dallas Zoo

- Medieval Times

- Nasher Sculpture Center

- The State Fair of Texas

Here is some more information about the area:

- Dallas is well-known for its long association with the petroleum industry. Other important sectors of the city's economy include banking, computer technology, telecommunications and transportation. Some of the major companies headquartered in Dallas include Affiliated Computer Services, Centex, Southwest Airlines and Texas Instruments.

- The main airport serving Dallas is Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport.

- Professional sports teams in Dallas include the ice hockey team, the Dallas Stars, and the NBA basketball team, the Dallas Mavericks.

- The city of Dallas gave its name to the TV Soap Opera, "Dallas". The program debuted with a five part mini-series in 1978, but then ran for 13 seasons, ending only in 1991. The original mini-series was in fact shot entirely on location in Dallas, Texas, but interior scenes of all subsequent episodes were largely filmed in the MGM Studios in California.

By S. Tanna. First published at

For more information about vacations and travel in the USA, please visit

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Friday, October 8, 2010

Killer Tips on How to Win Your Ex Back - Getting Back With Your Ex Boyfriend After He Dumped You

People who got dumped usually asked the question how to win your ex back; this only implies that they are still in love with their former lover despite of their recent breakup. If you are also facing the same scenario as many people are currently dealing with today, then read on so that you will not commit the same mistakes that many people did in the past that eventually resulted to losing their ex-boyfriend for good.

One of the most important things that you must remember if you want to learn how to win your ex back is to respect the decision of your former lover to break up with you; do not plead him to change his decision and ask him to come back. Begging the person to go back with you almost always never solve the problem; instead, tell him that if that is his final decision then you respect that, and perhaps the separation is best for both you because it can give you the space each one of you wanted to have.

You can also make an apology for your own mistakes that led him to decide to break up with you; make sure that you only do it once so that you will not look desperate enough as if you are trying to beg him to change his decision.

One of the best ways to solve your problem on how to win your ex back is to move on with your life. Remember an old song that goes 'let him go; and if he comes back in time, then you are meant for each other.' That verse is actually true until today; let your ex-boyfriend go and start moving on with your life by going about your normal daily activities.

Go out with your classmates, office associates and close friends and spend some bonding moments with members of your direct family; they can greatly support and help you out in our current situation. If the hurt feelings is making it hard for you to go on, start joining support groups and civic organizations or even volunteer for charity works because these activities can aid you in keeping your mind off your current problem and your former lover.

Your greatest enemy at this point is your mind because it will keep haunting you with your past memories; hence, you have to control it or exert some efforts to divert the thoughts that will only trigger the pain of your wounded heart. Moreover, you can also do your own hobbies or start finding new ones because doing things that appeal to your interests and enjoyment can help you a lot in your moving on stage because your mind is busy thinking on things that excite you.

Aside from that, you should also make yourself beautiful by visiting your favourite beauty parlor and tell your beautician to give you a complete makeover and enhance the way you look to make you more attractive with the opposite sex. If you are currently so much in love today, your love radiates and attracts people of the opposite sex; hence you are attractive to guys right now because of your love.

However, always remember that if you want to win your ex back you should NOT start dating with another guy because this will make him jealous enough to eventually dump you for good. But, if he is already dating another woman then that is the time that you should also date another guy; just do not initiate the move. There are still many things that you can do; the ones mentioned herein are just few of the effective methods of solving your problem on how to win your ex back.

To know more about what other women did that made them successful in winning back their ex-boyfriend despite of being dumped; check out the proven methods that work which will show you the step-by-step process of pulling your ex back.

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